Eckehard Schulz
- since 1993 professor for Arabic Linguistics and Translation Studies in Leipzig
- Author, coauthor and editor of the following books:
- Krahl, Reuschel, Schulz: Lehrbuch des modernen Arabisch, Langenscheidt 1995 (632 pages)
- ed.) Modernes Hocharabisch für Fortgeschrittene, Langenscheidt 1997 (640 pages)
- Modern Standard Arabic. An Elementary-Intermediate Course, Cambridge University Press 2000 (641 pages)
- (ed.) Krahl, Günther / Reuschel / Jumaili: Modernes Hocharabisch für Fortgeschrittene, Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. Übersetzen, Dolmetschen, Konversation, Fachwortschatz
Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2004 (464 pages) - Modernes Hocharabisch – Grammatik, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2004 (251 pages)
- A Student Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic, Cambridge University Press 2005 (249 pages)
- Krahl, Reuschel, Schulz: Lehrbuch des modernen Arabisch, Neue Ausgabe, Langenscheidt 2005, (632 pages)
- Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Modern. LKiS Yogyakarta 2009, (402 pages)
- Modernes Hocharabisch. Lehrbuch und e-Edition mit einer Einführung in Hauptdialekte, Edition Hamouda, Leipzig 2011 (750 pages)
- Modernes Hocharabisch. Lehrbuch und e-Edition mit einer Einführung in Hauptdialekte. Lösungsschlüssel, Edition Hamouda, Leipzig 2011 (196 pages)
- Krahl, Reuschel, Schulz: Lehrbuch des modernen Arabisch, Edition Hamouda, Leipzig 2012 (600 pages)
- Krahl, Reuschel, Schulz: Schlüssel zum Lehrbuch des modernen Arabisch, Edition Hamouda, Leipzig 2012 (146 pages)
Sebastian Maisel
Sebastian Maisel is Associate Professor for Arabic and Middle East Studies at Grand Valley State University. He received his PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies and Anthropology from Leipzig University. For over 10 years, he is teaching Arabic and courses related to the Middle East at universities in Germany, Saudi Arabia, and the US.
His research focus is on cultural and linguistic anthropology as well as minority groups from Syria, Sudan and Saudi Arabia. Among his publications are The Customary Law of the Bedouins in Arabia (2006), Saudi Arabia and Gulf States today (2009 with John Shoup) ( Arabia-States-Today-volumes/dp/0313344426), The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2010 with David Long) ( and Speed up your Arabic (forthcoming 2013).
Birgit Kristiana Bouraima
- 1985 – 1993 M. A. studies Turcology and Altaic Studies / Arabic Studies (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- 1994 – 1997 Certified translator, University of Leipzig (Akademisch geprüfter Übersetzer)
- 1997 – 2001 University graduated translator for Arabic and English (Diplom-Übersetzer für Arabisch und Englisch), University graduated interpreter for Arabic and English, complementary subject: psychology, University of Leipzig (Diplom-Dolmetscher für Arabisch und Englisch, Ergänzungsfach Psychologie)
- Academic degrees: Magister artium (M. A.), Akademisch geprüfte Übersetzerin für Arabisch, Dipl.-Übersetzerin, Dipl.-Dolmetscherin
- 1995 – 1998 working in different projects at the University of Leipzig Institute of Oriental Studies
- since 2010 contributions to the project “Arabic textbook”
Elmar Friedriszik
- 2001 – 2007 M. A. studies at the University of Leipzig (Arabic Studies; German as a foreign language; Communication and Media Science)
- 2007 – 2008 qualified teacher for special tasks at the University of Leipzig Institute of Oriental Studies
- 2009 – 2011 member of staff at the University of Leipzig Institute of Oriental Studies within the framework of the project “Arabic textbook”
- since 2011 qualified teacher for special tasks at the University of Leipzig Institute of Oriental Studies
Abdessamad Karmoun
- Business data processing specialist (Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker) with area of specialisation Integration Engineering and Controlling
- web applications & development
- member of staff in many projects at the computing center of the University of Leipzig
- main field of duties: IT support in the development of web applications systems
- further information:
Stefan Runge
- 1994 vocational training as a qualified merchant in wholesale business and foreign trade (Kaufmann im Groß- und Außenhandel IHK)
- 2000 – 2006 M. A. studies of Arabic Studies / Oriental Philology as well as Political Science (Institute of Oriental Studies Leipzig / University of Leipzig)
- since 2006 project assistant at the Institute of Oriental Studies Leipzig – among others “Computer-aided frequency analysis of technical terms“ (2007), “Evaluation of the (2008)” “Digitization of Arabic manuscripts””)
- since 2009 member of staff in the project “Arabic textbook” – project management (administration, conception, IT coordination)
- since 2012 conception and establishing of a standardized and computer-based Arabic language test (administration, IT organisation, coordination)
Jonathan Raphael Schmid
- vocational training as an IT specialist in application development
- 2003 – 2010 self-employed – web application development (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite) and process optimisation (BASH, Ruby, C, Git)
- since 2011 study of Arabic Studies at the University of Leipzig Institute of Oriental Studies
- since 2011 in the project “Arabic textbook”, especially with the e-Edition of the textbook
- since 2012 drafting and implementation of a standardized and computer-based Arabic language test
Andy Wermke
- since 2009 study of B.Sc. Computer Science
- working in projects at the university, among others in the papyrus and ostraca project (,
- since 2010 contributions to the project “Arabic textbook“ – establishing of an XHTML editor
Franziska Zezulka
- M. A. studies Translation Arabic & English at the Institute of Oriental Studies, German as a foreign language at the Herder-Institut of the University of Leipzig
- studies abroad & internships: University of Aleppo/Syria, Trinity College Dublin/Ireland, Ecole Roi Fahd de Traduction Tanger/Morocco
- Project Manager in eurient e. V.
- member of staff in the project “Arabic textbook”
- present work: university lecturer at the translation department of the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Amman & project coordinator