[ct_accordion title=”Create a group” icon=”” state=”closed” style=”boxed” group=”group1″ ]

Create a group

So that you do not have to enter the student’s e-mail addresses again for each exam or homework assignment, you can divide the students into groups.

  1. Click on “Create groups” in your EasyExam dashboard
  2. Select “Create group”
  3. Enter a name for the group under “Group name”.
  4. Now you can create the name and the e-mail addresses of your students. To add more information just click on the green plus icon.

Note: The e-mail address must match the address used to log in to the e-Edition. Students do not necessarily have to have a subscription to the e-Edition. It is enough if they are registered for the free trial.

  1. When you are finished registering the records, click Save / Update.

Upload a group via CSV file

  1. Click Settings in your EasyExam Dashboard
  2. Select “Create group”
  3. Enter a name for the group under “Group name”.
  4. Click Upload CSV file
  5. A separate window opens. By clicking on “Select file” you can add the corresponding CSV file from your hard disk.

Note: The CSV file must have 3 columns. 1st column Name, 2nd column E-mail address, 3rd column Notes. The CSV file can not contain a title bar.


John Doe [email protected] note
Maxi Muster [email protected] note

The column Note can not be left empty. If you do not want to add a note, simply enter the word note in the appropriate field. The CSV file must be saved as a comma delimited and UTF-8 encoded file. (In Excel: CSV UTF-8 (delimited)).

  1. Then click on “Upload”
  2. Your records should now all be visible under “Student Group”.
  3. Click on Save / Update to finish the entry.


Manage groups

Under “Manage groups” you can see the overview of previously created groups. You can edit them by clicking on “edit”. For example, you can add or remove other users from the list.

E-Mail notification

Under “E-Mail Notifications” you can set whether you want to receive an e-mail when an exam has been taken. However, since this can seriously affect your mailbox, you can disable this feature as follows:

  1. Click Settings in your EasyExam Dashboard
  2. Select “Email Settings”
  3. Turn e-mail notification on or off.

Click on Save E-Mail Settings to finish the entry. [/ct_accordion]

[ct_accordion title=”Create exam or homework” icon=”” state=”closed” style=”boxed” group=”group1″ ]

Create an exam or homework

  1. Click on “Create Exam” in your EasyExam Dashboard
  2. Select “Select exam” >> You will receive a list of all e-tests from e-Edition.
  3. Click on the e-test you want to use.
  4. You can tailor the e-test to your liking on the basis of existing tasks:
    1. To do this, click on the appropriate symbol under “Actions”
    2. You will now receive an overview of the questions and possible answers.
    3. By ticking the box you select the task for your own examination
    4. Confirm the entry by clicking on “Next”
    5. Enter the name for your exam under “exam name”
    6. Under “Duration” you determine how much time students should have to work on the test.
    7. In the field “Description”, you can enter notes for the students. For example, the focus of the exam. These are displayed to the students in the invitation mail.
    8. By clicking on “Create my own exam” you confirm your entries.
    9. You can now select and use your own exam from the list.
  5. Next, click on the “Date & Time” menu item and set the earliest possible time to complete the exam or homework. Note: Start time and date are mandatory and must be selected. Until when the exam or homework has to be done, can remain free, if you do not want to limit. The time must be defined as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) .
  6. Click “Add user”.
    1. By clicking on “Individually” you can create the participants individually. Enter names, as well as the e-mail addresses of your students. To add another record, just click the green plus icon. Note: The e-mail address must match the address used to log in to the e-Edition. Students do not necessarily have to have a subscription to the e-Edition. It is enough if they are registered for the free trial.
    2. By clicking on “Select Group” you can select a group you have previously created under Settings.
    3. By clicking on “Invitation link” you do not specify any specific participants for the exam. After the exam has been successfully saved, the invitation link is available for the exam. This can be used, for example, to conduct a test under your supervision in the computer pool. If you choose this option, no emails will be sent. That is, you decide who you provide the link to the exam for.
  7. Click on “Create exam” to complete your input.
  8. A separate window opens: Give the exam a name. This name will be displayed to the students.
  9. In the message field for the user, you can customize the content of the confirmation message that will be displayed to students after the exam is completed. The placeholder [username] is replaced by the name of the user. The placeholder [teacher-name] will be replaced by your name.
  10. Under E-Mail Settings, you can choose whether the users added individually or as a group should be notified immediately or later by e-mail about the upcoming exam. If you selected “Invitation link” as option, no e-mails will be sent.
  11. By clicking on “Create exam”, your exam is ready and available according to your specifications.


[ct_accordion title=”Evaluation of results” icon=”” state=”closed” style=”boxed” group=”group1″]

The evaluation of the results

After you have created an exam, it will appear under My Exams in the EasyExam Dashboard. Here you can track the status of the checks and the following actions are available:

  1. Click on “Show” (green eye under Actions) to get all the details for the exam.
  2. If the exam has already been completed, you will see the results of each student.
  3. By clicking on the percentage you will receive the summary of the results of the respective exam. The displayed grade corresponds to the specifications of the e-Edition.
  4. By clicking on “show / edit” (green eye under details) you get the list of the given answers.
  5. Under “Points” you can assign extra points if the answer can possibly be considered correct. This can be the case in particular for writing tasks.
  6. If you have created your exam with an invitation link, you can find it here under “My exams >> URL to share the exam”. [/ct_accordion]

[ct_button url=”https://modern-standard-arabic.net/en/easyexam-dashboard/” color=”#FFFFFF” background=”#0b779a” gradient=”#0a607c” description=”” size=”normal” position=”right” icon=”” target=”” rel=””]Go to your EasyExam Dashboard[/ct_button]