§ 1 Scope of application
The following general terms and conditions apply to all digital content, which is provided free of charge and free of charge by www.modern-standard-arabic.com (hereinafter referred to as “Content”). They are valid for the initial and every future individual assignment of content, even if the user does not explicitly confirm the validity of these terms in future future visits / retrievals of content. Regulations deviating from these terms shall not be accepted by www.modern-standard-arabic.com, unless they are confirmed by www.modern-standard-arabic.com. Verbal collateral agreements do not exist. The GTC can be printed out.
§ 2 Distribution on the Internet (online), in intranets and save on PCs
The content, which is offered on the domain www.modern-standard-arabic.com, may not be published on other domains. It is not permitted to change the texts, the layout or the audio files in any way (shortening, extending, modifying the design, removing the logo etc.)
Furthermore, it is not permitted to publish the teaching material on the net in such a way that a conclusion on the owner of the material is no longer possible. Thus, e.g. Is also not allowed to embed the content in external websites and programs in such a way that a conclusion on the authors of the material is no longer simply possible. The content may not be used directly or indirectly commercially. It is not permitted to give the content in parts or in total against any kind of fee.
§ 3 Save to other data carriers
Saving the content on data carriers is only permitted under the above restrictions. This also applies to direct or indirect commercial use. It is not permitted to give the stored content in parts or in total against any kind of fee.
§ 4 Printout on paper
Under the above conditions, the parts of the content intended for this purpose can be printed out. However, always make sure that www.modern-standard-arabic.com is clearly visible as the author of the document. It is not permitted to sell the printed content in parts or in total against any kind of fee.
§ 5 Infringements
Violations against these provisions lead first to a non-paying warning by www.modern-standard-arabic.com. If a behavior which is contrary to these provisions is not corrected, a lawyer’s letter will be issued.
§ 6 Environment in which the teaching material may be embedded in parts or in total
It is not permitted to embed texts of www.modern-standard-arabic.com in parts or in whole into contexts, which are suitable to discriminate certain groups of persons. This applies in particular to pages which aim to spread right-wing, nationalist or racist ideas.
In this case, a reminder will be issued immediately. Furthermore, it is not permitted to publish the teaching material in whole or in part in a context that violates existing law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
§ 7 Registration
Prerequisite for the retrieval of content is the registration of the user. The registration itself is free of charge and does not result in any contractual obligations and payment obligations. These arise only after explicit confirmation of the intention to acquire a company and the conclusion of a single subscription contract. By registering, the user agrees that the data entered by him is tested for plausibility by www.modern-standard-arabic.com or by a company commissioned by www.modern-standard-arabic.com. The user is obligated to inform www.modern-standard-arabic.com of any changes to the data provided. Www.modern-standard-arabic.com is entitled to reject or revoke a registration.
§ 8 Availability
Www.modern-standard-arabic.com grants the registered user access to his offer. Access to the content of www.modern-standard-arabic.com is generally received by the registered user 24 hours a day. However, www.modern-standard-arabic.com does not guarantee the availability of its service. Likewise, www.modern-standard-arabic.com is not liable for any interference on the Internet.
§ 9 Contract conclusion
The individual contract comes through the activation of the order by clicking the button “Complete payment process” and by confirming the order by www.modern-standard-arabic.com and the following provision of access to the e-Edition. Www.modern-standard-arabic.com saves the data of the contract conclusion and grants the user access to the e-Edition according to the user’s chosen option (6, 12 or 24 months).
§ 10 Right of withdrawal
Your right of revocation expires prematurely if the contract is completely fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you have exercised your right of revocation.
§ 11 Fees, billing, terms of payment
The prices for the content are shown in the current price list. The user is obliged to pay the purchased content at the agreed prices. Telecommunications charges are also borne by the user. Properly registered users who have retrieved paid content will receive an invoice, which can also be sent by e-mail. Www.modern-standard-arabic.com can only accept the payment methods offered in the respective order.
§ 12 Warranty / Liability
Access to the content offered by www.modern-standard-arabic.com is the sole responsibility of the user. A further liability of www.modern-standard-arabic.com against the user is excluded, however, except for liability for damages due to infringement of such contractual obligations, which are indispensable for the achievement of the purpose of the contract (cardinal obligations), due to faulty products (Product Liability Act) Injury to life, body or health resulting from a negligent breach of duty by www.modern-standard-arabic.com or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agents of www.modern-standard-arabic.com. In addition, www.modern-standard-arabic.com is liable for other damages resulting from a grossly negligent breach of duty by www.modern-standard-arabic.com or on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agents of www.modern-standard -arabic.com.
§ 13 User identification and password
It is the user’s responsibility to securely manage and monitor the custody and use of his / her user identification, password, or other backup tools. Www.modern-standard-arabic.com is not liable for damages caused to the user by misuse or loss of the user identification and password assigned to him.
§ 14 Data Protection
Www.modern-standard-arabic.com collects data of the user as part of the processing of contracts. Www.modern-standard-arabic.com respects the regulations of data protection (in particular BDSG, TMG). Without the consent of the user, user and user data of www.modern-standard-arabic.com are only collected, processed or used, as far as this is necessary for the handling of the contractual relationship and for the claim and settlement.
§ 15 Newsletter
By clicking on the “Order Newsletter” button, the user expressly agrees that his address and e-mail will be used for occasional information on updating the content of www.modern-standard-arabic.com. The consent can be withdrawn at any time by means of informal communication to [email protected] without incurring additional costs to the user other than the transmission costs according to the basic tariff of the provider of the user.
§ 16 Use of Cookies
The user agrees that www.modern-standard-arabic.com supports the registration and use of his service by the use of so-called session cookies.
§ 17 Security guarantee
Www.modern-standard-arabic.com uses a secure transfer method called “Secure Socket Layer” (SSL) transmission to process user data. All information transmitted using this secure method is encrypted.
§ 18 Use by educational institutions
Educational institutions may integrate the teaching material in their entirety or in whole with the express permission of www.modern-standard-arabic.com into their homepage or use it for teaching purposes.
In the case of a behavior that is contrary to this provision, a non-paying warning is also made by www.modern-standard-arabic.com. If no agreement is reached, a lawyer’s letter will be issued.
§ 19 Final provision
Only German law applies under exclusion of the UN purchase law. The place of fulfillment is Leipzig. Jurisdiction for merchants is Leipzig. Should a non-essential part of a contract be or become invalid under these conditions, the validity of the contract shall remain unaffected.